I've been working on all those backgrounds, and I have to say this is the most challenging thing I ever had to face. Especially because most of them are dark environments with neon lights. I'm doing my best but sometimes doubts invade me, wondering if I'm doing the right thing, if people are going to like it, and if they are worthy of the whole aesthetic of the game.
I wish to create a real embiance here, a mix between dark mood, 90s vapor wave kinda thing, and my love for mild distopian city. I love all those neon lights, those foggy back alleys, those tall and dark city...I'm a sucker for that and I'm really trying to make a hommage here...but am i doing it right ?
I guess the final product will tell... Here you can see the 9th V0rte-x club, 50 percent finished, still a long way to go.