I've finally finished the main cast for the game! The first 3 are the main characters that you can end up dating if you want and the 4th one is one of the complementary characters that will appear, but with a later possibility to date if the bigger game happens.
For now I can say I'm happy with the designs, like always I feel like I could better this or improve that, but I have to let go and keep going with the other characters, if not I'll never finish.
I also was careful in making them ALL look different, trying to evade at all costs the horrid "Same Face Syndrome" and also make different body types with different proportions.
All these will have or already have multiple blinks and mouth shapes, depending if they're happy, sad, neutral etc. As well as different outfits depending on where they are.
I hope to present them soon in color and implemented in game, for now theyre just linearts.
For now I feel like I've reached a personal milestone since I've never done anything like this before.
